Most singular nouns form the plural by adding -s.
Singular Plural
- pen pens
- table tables
- rabbit rabbits
- window windows
- river rivers
A singular noun that end in s, x, z, ch, sh makes the plural by adding -es.
Singular Plural
- bus busses
- fox foxes
- quiz quizzes
- watch watches
- wish wishes
If the noun ends with a consonant + y, make the plural by changing -y to -ies.
Singular Plural
- cherry cherries
- activity activities
- baby babies
- daisy daisies
Nouns that end in vowel (a, e, i, o, u) + y , take -s in the plural.
Singular Plural
- boy boys
- toy toys
- key keys
- journey journeys
- tray trays
Nouns that end in -f or -fe, drop the -f or -fe and take -ves in the plural.
Singular Plural
- leaf leaves
- thief thieves
- knife knives
- wife wives
Exception: add -s to these nouns
- roof roofs
- chief chiefs
- proof proofs
Nouns that end in -o can add either -s or -es in the plural.
* These nouns are always spelled with -s in the plural.
Singular Plural
- radio radios
- zero zeros
- piano pianos
- photo photos
- kilo kilos
- video videos
*These nouns are always spelled with -es in the plural
Singular Plural
- buffalo buffaloes
- domino dominoes
- hero heroes
- mosquito mosquitoes
- potato potatoes
- tomato tomatoes
- veto vetoes
*These common nouns can be spelled with either -s or -es in the plural.
Singular Plural
- cargo cargos / cargoes
- flamingo flamingos / flamingoes
- mango mangos / mangoes
- motto mottos / mottoes
- tornado tornados / tornadoes
- volcano volcanos / volcanoes
Irregular Plural Nouns
Singular Plural
- man men
- woman women
- foot feet
- tooth teeth
- goose geese
- mouse mice
- person people
- ox oxen